Trump Crony Rigs Election For the Mafia Don

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Did you wonder how Donald Trump would make his mark on this nation? Democracy? Ha. His mark is that of his co-conspirators across the globe: in journalist suppression, rigged elections, and tyranny. His legacy would be to enroll the United States of America as a fascist state in favor of its highest bidders and against its people. The Black Lives Matter protestors are fuel for his conflagration of American values and the freedom of the press. As long as he can paint events as a heroic battle of Americans versus Communists, he wins the middle-state lowlifes. His reign takes the stairs to royalty.

DeJoy wins the applause of his Don as he demolishes a cherished American institution now at the forefront of the 2020 election, the US Postal Service. Covid provided a perfect window to incinerate the votes of the Democratic Party in favor of his marching fans. These fools have drooled at every mention of a Communist insurrection and an elitist suppression of dastardly deeds so they had a target for the muzzles of their antiquated tubes of terror.

They waited in their trailers and suburban tract houses plotting to shoot the first person who presented themselves as a face to their woes of taxation and interference in their pathetic pseudo-lives. They isolated themselves waiting for the perfect moment to spew their hatred at their nearest neighbor who stood up for the rights of the foreigner, the addict, and the gay.

He couldn’t have won except for the scheming bureaucrats carefully packing and cracking voting districts, whining and gossiping their imagined woes, biting and deriding minorities as the source of all their problems. Their ascendancy is a pattern, that of every illegitimate dictatorship spreading its tentacles throughout the republics of old, that of every bombastic populist dragging his country into his scheme of transcendent personal wealth.

Now he steals the election with envelopes, lost in a sea of control, his fingers holding the strings of an executive sold to the basest toady. DeJoy decisively cuts delivery hours and notifies states there will be no counting of their votes, leaving them nothing but to beg their voters to vote early. Will it matter? US Postal Service executives scramble to fill the holes, but the sand in the hourglass is running too fast.

The dissolution of our Federal agencies fills the cup of our Lord, the Don. Those that stand up will be silenced. All hail our leader, Donald J. Trump, victor against democracy and champion of thieves!

See: How USPS policies and the pandemic could create mail-in voting ‘perfect storm’

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